Freight Warranty
FreightSafe Warranty
National Freight Management ‘FreightSafe warranty’ provides our customers with peace of mind for their transport. Unfortunately, from time to time some of the most reliable transport carriers throughout Australia may experience damaged freight or even in some circumstances freight may get lost completely. National Freight Management’s ‘FreightSafe warranty’ is there to ensure you have protection for your goods during transport.

The benefits of the program include:
– Quick and simple online claim lodgement
– Fast claim settlement – generally within 7 business days
– No excess payable
– Once added to your account, all consignments are automatically covered
This warranty is administered by a professional 3rd party company, FreightSafe, whom have been operating for over 17 years in the freight industry.
You can access the online claim form here.
All claims are subject to FreightSafe Warranty Terms and Conditions
To get more information on how National Freight Management Freight Warranty Program works or if you have any questions, please give our office a call on 1300 21 12 12